Monday, November 3, 2008

Learning 2.0 Assignment 8: Online Collaboration Tools

For this assignment, you will explore online collaboration tools including Google Docs and Zoho. This assignment is due Monday, November 10.
  1. Take the Google Docs tour, and explore some of the posts on the Google Docs blog.
  2. Watch the video, “Google Docs in Plain English.”
  3. Read the Wikipedia entries on Google Docs and Zoho.
  4. Try Google Docs or Zoho.
Blog prompts:
  1. Which collaboration tool did you try?
  2. What is one main advantage of using an online collaboration tool such as Google Docs or Zoho?
  3. What is one example of a way people are using online collaboration tools?
  4. If you've used Google Docs, Zoho, or similar tool before, for what purpose did you use it and what did you like about it?
  5. How do you think you could use these tools for projects (for school, work, or fun)?

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